Produktbild Flex Innenecke - Sanitärabdichtung - Ramsauer
Produktbild Flex Aussenecke - Sanitärabdichtung - Ramsauer
Produktbild Flex Bodenmanschette - Sanitärabdichtung - Ramsauer
Produktbild Flex Bodenmanschette - Sanitärabdichtung - Ramsauer
Produktbild Flex Wandmanschette - Sanitärabdichtung - Ramsauer

Flex Zubehör

From€ {{ priceInfo.totalPriceFormatted }}/{{ priceInfo.unitInfo.abbreviation }}  â‚¬ {{ priceInfo.singleUnitOriginalPriceFormatted }}/{{ priceInfo.unitInfo.abbreviation }} 4.70/STK (€ {{ priceInfo.singleUnitPriceFormatted }}4.70/{{ priceInfo.singleUnitInfo.abbreviation }} â‚¬ {{ priceInfo.singleUnitOriginalPriceFormatted }}/{{ priceInfo.singleUnitInfo.abbreviation }}) Incl. VAT ()
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From€ {{ priceInfo.totalPriceFormatted }}/{{ priceInfo.unitInfo.abbreviation }}  â‚¬ {{ priceInfo.singleUnitOriginalPriceFormatted }}/{{ priceInfo.unitInfo.abbreviation }} 4.70/STK (€ {{ priceInfo.singleUnitPriceFormatted }}4.70/{{ priceInfo.singleUnitInfo.abbreviation }} â‚¬ {{ priceInfo.singleUnitOriginalPriceFormatted }}/{{ priceInfo.singleUnitInfo.abbreviation }}) Incl. VAT
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Product information and downloads

Flex Innenecke is a shaped part covered with fleece on both sides for water-tight and permanent sealing of inner corners in combination with sealing systems under ceramic floorings or covers.


  • elastic
  • Suitable for use in permanently wet areas


  • ÖNORM B 3407
  • DIN 18534

Other applications

Sealing in sanitary installation