Handdruckpresse RH4 Eco

€ {{ priceInfo.totalPriceFormatted }}/{{ priceInfo.unitInfo.abbreviation }}  â‚¬ {{ priceInfo.singleUnitOriginalPriceFormatted }}/{{ priceInfo.unitInfo.abbreviation }} 23.02/STK (€ {{ priceInfo.singleUnitPriceFormatted }}23.02/{{ priceInfo.singleUnitInfo.abbreviation }} â‚¬ {{ priceInfo.singleUnitOriginalPriceFormatted }}/{{ priceInfo.singleUnitInfo.abbreviation }}) Incl. VAT ()
€ {{ priceInfo.totalPriceFormatted }}/{{ priceInfo.unitInfo.abbreviation }}  â‚¬ {{ priceInfo.singleUnitOriginalPriceFormatted }}/{{ priceInfo.unitInfo.abbreviation }} 23.02/STK (€ {{ priceInfo.singleUnitPriceFormatted }}23.02/{{ priceInfo.singleUnitInfo.abbreviation }} â‚¬ {{ priceInfo.singleUnitOriginalPriceFormatted }}/{{ priceInfo.singleUnitInfo.abbreviation }}) Incl. VAT
{{ selectedArticle.itemNo }}: {{ selectedArticle.description }}
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Product information and downloads

RH4 ECO is a versatile manual press featuring an aluminium tube and offering a good price-performance ratio. This multi-purpose device allows users to employ 310 ml cartridges or 400 ml foil bags. Ratio 18:1.
