320 Baudicht

Hybrid sealant
€ {{ priceInfo.totalPriceFormatted }}/{{ priceInfo.unitInfo.abbreviation }}  â‚¬ {{ priceInfo.singleUnitOriginalPriceFormatted }}/{{ priceInfo.unitInfo.abbreviation }} 9.44/STK (€ {{ priceInfo.singleUnitPriceFormatted }}9.44/{{ priceInfo.singleUnitInfo.abbreviation }} â‚¬ {{ priceInfo.singleUnitOriginalPriceFormatted }}/{{ priceInfo.singleUnitInfo.abbreviation }}) Incl. VAT ()
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€ {{ priceInfo.totalPriceFormatted }}/{{ priceInfo.unitInfo.abbreviation }}  â‚¬ {{ priceInfo.singleUnitOriginalPriceFormatted }}/{{ priceInfo.unitInfo.abbreviation }} 9.44/STK (€ {{ priceInfo.singleUnitPriceFormatted }}9.44/{{ priceInfo.singleUnitInfo.abbreviation }} â‚¬ {{ priceInfo.singleUnitOriginalPriceFormatted }}/{{ priceInfo.singleUnitInfo.abbreviation }}) Incl. VAT
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Product information and downloads

THE hybrid sealant for builders

Whether for repairing a crack in a building’s facade, sealing panes of glass in balustrades or creating butt joints in prefabricated concrete structures, 320 Baudicht is a must-have on any building site. The silicone-free hybrid sealant offers excellent adhesion to almost all materials – even to moist substrates. With 320 Baudicht remaining permanently elastic, it is exceptional at absorbing movements and suitable for expansion joints of all kinds. The sealant is also odourless and solvent-free, so it can be used for sealing work in food service spaces. 320 Baudicht is particularly easy to apply and cures faster than other sealants, even in thicker layers.

Can be applied on damp substrate
Compatible with many coating systems
Compatible with a very wide range of materials


  • Paint-compatible
  • Maximum movement accommodation: 25%
  • Vapour diffusion-retardant
  • Can be covered with paint coats
  • UV-resistant
  • Silicone-free
  • Compatible with a wide range of materials
  • Adheres to moist substrates
  • Very elastic
  • Solvent-free
  • Low-emitting
  • Odourless
  • Resistant to weather and ageing


  • DIN EN ISO 12572
  • LEED approved
  • DIN EN ISO 11600
  • EMICODE EC1 Plus
  • DIN EN ISO 846
  • German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB)
  • for food areas
  • LABS-confirmity VDMA 24364
  • ÖNORM B 5320

Technical data

Elongation at break
~ 150% (EN ISO 8339)
Storage life
Storage life of cartridges and foil bags: 12 months in a cool and dry place
Stress at break
~ 0,57N/mm² (EN ISO 8339)
Temperature resistance
- 40°C bis +110°C (permanent exposure)
Tear strength
~ 7.79 N/mm (ISO 34-1)
Shore hardness
~ 28 (EN ISO 868)
Movement capability
Skin over time
~ 6 min. (23°C/50 % relative humidity)
~ 2.5% (EN ISO 10563)
~ 0.56 N/mm² (EN ISO 8339)
Curing time
~ 2.2 mm/24 hours (at +23°C/50 % relative humidity)
Hybrid sealant – silane terminated polymer
Processing temperature (substrate, environment)
+5°C bis +35°C
~ 1.49 (EN ISO 1183-1)


Main applications

Illustration Anschlussfugen eines Fliesenbodens
Sealing perimeter joints in interior spaces
A low emitting sealant compatible with a wide range of materials can be used for lightly loaded joints in interior spaces.
Illustration einer Fuge in Grün
Sealing expansion joints
An elastic sealant balances out tension between different structural elements.
Illustration grüne Bodenfuge Fliesenboden
Sealing floor joints
Extremely resistant and elastic sealants allow for long-lasting joints.
Illustration Auto von oben
Sealing vehicle parts
Sealants used on vehicles stand out for their optimum hold on metal and their exceptional resilience.
Sealing windows and doors on the outside
Long-lasting perimeter joints in outdoor areas require resilient and elastic sealants.
Illustration Nahaufnahme Fenstereck mit grün markierten Dichtungen
Sealing windows and doors from the inside
Low emitting and elastic sealants allow for air-tight joints, preventing draughts and mould.
Sealing HVAC systems
Heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems have to be sealed air-tight using non-corrosive and resilient professional-grade materials.
Repairing cracks in wooden parts
Sealants with a matte surface that are compatible with a wide range of materials are suitable for sealing joints wooden parts.

Other applications

Sealing joints in steel and aluminium
Non-corrosive and weather-proof sealants provide lasting attractive results.
Vehicle and watercraft interiors
Materials with low levels of harmful substances are used for sealing and bonding in vehicles or waterborne vessels.
Bonding cornices and coving
A short curing time makes it easier to bond cornices and coving to walls and ceilings.
Fitting doors
A low emitting sealant compatible with a wide range of materials is suitable for door perimeter joints.
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